
Good Lawyers for Drug Charges

A lawyer that defends cannabis charges needs to have knowledge and experience with criminal law, cannabis law and cannabis. Paul Lewin has that knowledge and experience.  
The cannabis criminal lawyer should be addressing many issues that commonly arise in cannabis cases. Should the search warrant should be attacked? Did the police trespass on your property? Did the police have grounds to detain you, question you or arrest you? Were you read your rights upon arrest? Did your landlord or superintendent wrongfully provide information to the police? Did the hydro company illegally provide information to the police? Are the police charging friends or family to put pressure on you to plead guilty? Are the police claiming you were selling or growing cannabis just because you were near the cannabis?

Cannabis Criminal Lawyer

The cannabis criminal lawyer should also be addressing cannabis issues that commonly arise. Was the cannabis being sold or given to people who use it as medicine? Supplying medicinal users is not the same as providing it to non-medicinal users. Was the cannabis being delivered to indigenous dispensaries? Was the cannabis being used as a harm reduction tool? Are you a medicinal user who never bothered to get approved by a doctor? Are you a medicinal user who consumes extracts which means you need a lot of cannabis in order to produce a small amount of extract? If you are a grower, do you face issues with your plants so that the plants do not produce as much as the police say? If you are a medicinal grower, are the authorities aware that you can only produce a limited number of crops a year? Were you licensed before and the license lapsed?


Cannabis Lawyer Toronto

Are you aware of the risks of forfeiture? Are you aware that a guilty plea to trafficking is going to prevent you from crossing the US border? Are you aware that dispensaries operators and medicinal sellers/ growers regularly receive discharges?  
You would be astonished at the severe sentences that are still post-legalization handed to cannabis sellers and growers. Do not allow drug war ignorance to lead to a jail sentence. If you are facing cannabis criminal charges such as trafficking, possession for the purpose of trafficking, production or importation then call Paul Lewin. 
Even if you are not charged, if you are not sure what is legal, what is not legal and what the consequences are, then call Paul Lewin.