
Psychedelic Criminal Lawyer

A psychedelic criminal lawyer must have a deep understanding of criminal law, psychedelic-related laws and psychedelics. Any psychedelic criminal law case will require a lawyer with experience fighting search warrants, general warrants, wire taps, production orders, tracking orders, wrongful arrests and wrongful detentions. A psychedelic criminal lawyer needs to understand not just the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and the Criminal Code, but also the Food and Drug Act and the Food Drugs Regulations.

A psychedelic criminal lawyer also needs to understand psychedelics. There is a significant amount of misinformation about psychedelics. Psychedelics are wrongfully considered dangerous. Studies have consistently found psychedelics to be one of the safest recreational drugs in existence. Further, psychedelics are frequently used for medical and freedom-of-thought purposes. This means that they provide benefits to consumers which must be considered by a court. The fact that it is next to impossible to obtain psychedelics for medical or freedom-of-thought purposes suggests the psychedelic criminal prohibitions are unconstitutional. Whether the drug is psilocybin, LSD, DMT, ayahuasca, ibogaine, ketamine, GHB, 5-MeO-DMT, or salvia do not standby doing nothing while prosecutors say you have committed a terrible crime and that you must go to jail. Do not allow drug war ignorance to lead to a jail sentence.


If you are facing psychedelic criminal charges such as trafficking, possession for the purpose of trafficking, production or importation then call Paul Lewin. 
Even if you are not charged, if you are not sure what is legal, what is not legal and what the consequences are, then call Paul Lewin.